Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Eliza's Birthday

Eliza with her babies.

I couldn't really post about my activities last night because they were related to making some things for Eliza's birthday, notably a CD I titled A CD for Cat Lovers and this photo collage for the cover. I took these photos nearly two years ago when Ebi was a kitten and a couple are from last year. Eliza's birthday was actually yesterday, but Kristin returned from Switzerland last night, so tonight four of us went to Maurya, an Indian restaurant I've been wanting to try for some time, and I gave Eliza the stuff, so now I can post the playlist:

1.   Smelly Cat - Phoebe from the TV show Friends
2.   Honky Cat - Elton John
3.   Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
4.   Cat's in the Kettle - Weird Al Yankovic
5.   Stray Cat Strut - Stray Cats
6.   Year of the Cat - Al Stewart
7.   Burying the Cat - a bit from a Monty Python sketch
8.   What's New Pussycat? - Tom Jones (of course I had to put this in)
9.   The Alley Cat Song - Peggy Lee
10.  The Cat Came Back - Fred Penner
11.  Alley Cat - Liberace
12.  Stray Cat Blues - The Rolling Stones
13.  Wild World - Cat Stevens
14.  The Cat Came Back - Sonny James
15.  Theme from The Pink Panther - ? (this is a jazzy version, not Henry Mancini)
16. a short track for Ebi and Tako (meowing and purring)