Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Tons o' Photos

I'm still catalogue-ing (catalogging?) the virtual mounds of photos from my Eurotripping. It's taking quite a while, since I had to transfer two flashcards onto CD after Spain, in England, but it was a bugger trying to get those back on the flashcards because of the Canon A80's auto-rotatation feature... the camera window software wouldn't upload the portrait-oriented photos because they weren't in the same digital format pre-CD. Bugger.

The reason why I wanted to upload them back onto the cards to download them is because when I download off the camera I can assign prefixes onto the files, so they're not just a bunch of sequential numbers. Everything's fine when you view by thumbnail, but I prefer at least the date in the prefix so I can catalogue them easier. Lazy bugger, me.

Anyway, to make a ridiculous rant a lot shorter, the photos are coming... I've uploaded many of them to Ofoto (they said I had no limit), so there's a France album, and one for Lucy and John's wedding, and it's still uploading Spain (which has literally hundreds of photos). I would normally be more selective in which photos to upload, but it takes time to cull, and this is easier! I'll have to go back through them later and add some captions or labels or something. Or, maybe I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.