Monday, July 29, 2002

What is Entertainment?

Ah, familiar territory. Almost half past one in the morning and I've got as far as the Works Cited section and figuring out what I'm trying to write about. Maybe my creative juices just don't flow under normal circumstances. Maybe I need to be half-delirious first.

I've read some articles on "Strawberry and Chocolate" and find them differing wildly between those written by Latin Americans and those written by Americans. It brings to mind that universal concept I always seem to bring up in conversations -- "what is entertainment??" Mainstream American productions are flashier and avoid politics and heavier content, and that seems to entertain American audiences just fine. It is clear most American audiences will find this film insignificant, less-polished and possibly even downright boring when compared to any other movie marketed as a "romantic comedy". In the context of Cuban politics, however, this film is groundbreaking, addressing issues of sexuality, revolutionary ideology, and society. Now, if I can just get some of this stuff down on paper I can go to bed.