Tuesday, January 28, 2003

BUS 272

Last night was BUS 272, and during our tutorial we were debating the effectiveness of motivational methods shown in the video clip of "Glengarry Glen Ross". I was on the debating team which voted the methods ineffective, and it was fairly obvious that probably nearly all of these people have never worked in sales... or at least in a high-pressure job like sales. Or felt desperation and panic. What could you say about adversity's affect on human nature if you've never been in a situation where all avenues closed off and suddenly none of your choices were good? crime suddenly becomes an option... (and those naive classroom theories just go straight out the window)

The longer I attend university, the more clear it is to me that I am learning a great deal more attending now... I wouldn't have been bumming around Australia, but I'd be one of those students who just sit back and watch the others talk.