Tuesday, August 03, 2004


So, I'm kinda doing things a little different recently... posting photos first, adding text later. Last night I added text to the latest post first, working my way backwards, but I still have three posts to add some text to. I've got scads of e-mail waiting for replies, I'm backlogged with some other stuff, and I've got people coming over tomorrow. But when a friend called from Toronto this evening, I dropped everything so we could have a great ol' gab. I much prefer phone calls to e-mail for catching up with people. For one thing, it's more efficient this way -- I write long-winded, rambling e-mails that take forever to compose. I mull things over, check my grammar and spelling, and basically make a nuisance of myself to get it to read properly. Easier just to phone.

I don't know why, but I had so many wrong numbers today -- people calling numbers quite different from mine, which makes me wonder if it's a problem with Primus TalkBroadband??? Am going to check out the film Before Sunset tonight, so I'd better scoot...