Monday, February 14, 2005

Death by Chocolate, or Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
Originally uploaded by gailontheweb.

No, I didn't make these, but don't they look great? They're courtesy of David's mother, who also gave me a lovely pair of earrings for Valentine's Day. Click on the pics for comments.

As for me, I'm going to slink off to bed to die a sweet and slow chocolate death from the calories of the one I managed to consume...


Click on the pics for info.

Lest anyone think I actually celebrate Valentine's Day, I thought I should clarify. I think Valentine's Day is on par with silly standards about engagement rings: pressure-laden, commerce-crazy. Give people a day off from work to go and do something fun, but until then, it's just another day on the calendar.

I may be engaged, but I was recently a perennial, hardcore singleton, and I'm still rather entrenched in that mentality.

I don't begrudge people who feel like spending money on their loved ones. By all means, indulge your feelings. Retail therapy, if that works for you.

David's well aware of my viewpoints, so I was curious when he showed up after work with stuff in his hands.

"I know you don't like mushy cards, but this one is perfect," he said, handing it to me. He'd made it himself, at work. (There was a message in the inside back cover, but I didn't publish it. It's not mushy, though.) He also bought some bamboo.

"I know -- get something alive, not dead."

He's learning...

Plan A: avoid restaurants. Cook. Not only are restaurants chock-a-block on Valentine's Day, but I avoid PDAs whenever possible. Since we opted for snowtubing on Friday, the plan was to go ice skating tonight, but it's blustery and the rink is outdoors. We'd get blown around the oval. So, David and I are hanging out doing stuff on our computers, listening to the wind gust its way around, and later we'll head for Plan B: bowling.