Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Jehovah's Witnesses - Am I Going to Get a Call from Prince?

I'm listening to Prince's "Purple Rain" at the moment and lamenting over his conversion to the Jehovah's Witnesses. There goes all his creative energy. Yesterday I received a random phone call from a Jehovah's Witness and was surprised that they've expanded from handing out pamphlets on the streets to phoning people at home. Maybe they've done this for years and I just haven't been "lucky" enough to get a call. Highly doubtful, though, since I've been working from home for years now, so I'd be an easy target. My number's even in the book -- I haven't resorted to my little trick in the past of listing my phone number under a different name to avoid the ex-directory charge. The Caller ID device is a pretty good filter as it is.

The Jehovah's Witness guy wasn't pushy, though, to his credit. When I was a teenager and they'd ring my parents' bell, it took a lot more effort to get rid of them. This guy kept it short and to the point.

Now, if Prince had phoned me, would he be short and to the point?

Ananova - October 15, 2003

Watchtower's press clipping from USA Today, 2001