... from evolutionary psychology and physiology. Not exactly a stimulant after a late night (5-something in the a.m.) and an alarm-induced start to the day.
Fondue at "Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins'" last night was a welcome respite from recent downside undulations in life such as this damned cold trying to break my immune system (my voice keeps coming and going), sad news, academic stress, and general feelings of wanting to jump on a plane to just be somewhere else at the moment... but, I'm still here and still plugging away at the books. On a brighter note:
I am now officially a member of The Co-operative Auto Network! My car is still in Sechelt, undergoing diagnostic testing, but at least I have a means to get to the office next week. But, I still have to figure out a way to get my car back to Vancouver...
Serendipity strikes once again! In the process of trying to hunt around for some other information on the internet, I stumbled across a photo of someone who looked really familiar... I had a feeling I knew who it was, but curiosity got this cat to e-mail him and ask him if he was so-and-so from my days in Banff in 1990/91... got home last night from North Vancouver and found a reply: it was him! He doesn't remember me but I'm not surprised, since those days in Banff were fuzzy at best for most people (alcohol consumption had a lot to do with that), and I have a better-than-average memory for faces and names. I hunted down and sent along some photos today that might jog his memory. He might not consider his photo particularly flattering, but hey -- it was taken more than 12 years ago! He looks pretty different now, but I probably do, too. I used to hang out with his roommate Tom at their staff accommodation at the Inns of Banff. Tom had two roommates -- this guy, and his friend who was also from Montreal. I remember the three of us would sit around and drink and shoot the breeze together, but this was so long ago I can't remember what the other guy looked like, and I can't find a photo. What I do remember is that these two Montrealers were really funny... for me it's a distinct memory, which is probably how I was able to make a connection between the photo of him now and the one that's in my album. Wonder how many synaptic transmissions it took to bring THAT about???
Anyway, I e-mailed him my phone number, and he rang me today and we chatted a bit. He's got a friend from Montreal visiting, but we arranged to meet sometime later this week. Trippy, or what?
Last night was very Montreal. Mark, Vicky and I went over to Tosca and Mike's for a catch-up after their wedding on September 6 and honeymoon in Italy. They went to school together in Montreal, as well as Colette, who was Tosca's bridesmaid -- she'd flown out all the way from New Jersey to attend. Mark went through Tosca's school yearbooks and they discussed mutual friends and classmates... oh so many moons ago. Talking about high school brings back memories of big hair, unflattering clothing, and strange liaisons!