Monday, December 22, 2003

Family Day

White Rock

Miss Maddy

The photo on the left is White Rock. Allan took Michael (3) to Hope to visit some friends of theirs who have little boys and like playing with Michael. So I took Maddy (2) and Cheryl, who hadn't left the house in 10 days and was going stir-crazy, out on a Sunday drive. We went to White Rock to look at the ocean, and stopped by an Art Knapp store to buy a Christmas tree. I decided to get them a live one as I prefer the idea of having one live tree to use every year rather than a fake one or a cut tree that gets tossed afterwards.

Maddy and Mom
I also picked up my mother's mail and some stuff from her apartment to take to her at the hospital. While I was at the hospital I also set up a phone account for her so she can make outgoing calls. Maddy was the first of the kids to visit her in the hospital, and was pretty well-behaved the whole time. My mum is in much better shape these days -- she can at least sit in a wheelchair now, and says they are nearly ready to move her out of the orthopedic ward and over to rehab.