Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Car Talk... or, a bit more?

look closely
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So, there's this weekly radio show on NPR called "Car Talk" with these two brothers, Tom and Ray Magliozzi. I'd never heard of them before moving to PA, but according to their website they've been on the air since the '70s, with 4.4 million listeners on 588 stations. Anyway, David mentioned them once, and I tuned in for about half a show during dinner.

When we went to the Museum of American History last Saturday, I recognised them on one of the monitors in the transportation exhibit. Being a bit of a typo Nazi, what did I notice right away?

Click on the photo and see...

It's the SMITHSONIAN, for the love of mary! I'm not the first person to notice this, am I?? I e-mailed Car Talk's producer, Doug Berman, to see if anyone's told them. Maybe he'll get the radio guys to mention it on the show.