Tuesday, April 12, 2005


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The weather's been great lately, sunny every day and warming the giant magnolia tree next to the house. It will reach full bloom any day now, and I'm expecting the lawn to be covered in bright pink blossoms. Aren't magnolias any other colour? Sigh.

Hugh is venturing out, slowly but surely. His movements are tentative, and every little twig snap is like an electronic shock to his body. I found him meandering beside the house, sneaking his way through a big pile of leaves. I should've taken a video of it, because he looked like a feline sniper. A green beret. Except I stepped on a branch, and he nearly shot out of his fur. Funny, funny cat. I'm editing a video of Hugh I made recently, and finally found some good music for it. Will post the clip when ready.

ADDITION: Thursday, Apr 14

Here's a photo of the magnolia tree beside the house in full bloom. David took the photo two years ago, but you can see how big it is.