Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday Date Night Movie Blitz


The Friday Date Night Movie Blitz isn't quite going as planned. David jokes that Friday night is our "date night", but I thought since two more Netflix movies arrived this afternoon that it's high time for a Luc Besson blitz.

We've seen one film so far, "The Big Blue"/"Le Grand Bleu" (1988) (Director's Cut), and Rosanna Arquette mostly ruined it for me. She's awful, with the charisma of a rabbit. I wanted to see "The Big Blue" because I like Besson's work, I like Jean Reno, and I miss the ocean terribly. Also, I was on Skype a while back with a friend in Denmark who's a dive master, and he mentioned it.

I never saw it the first time around, but if I did, I probably would have made a supreme teenage effort to see all of Jean-Marc Barr's films. In French AND English, in slow motion.

But I have to say it -- I was disappointed with "Blue". I wanted to see more diving, less Rosanna Arquette. More dolphins, less Rosanna Arquette. Heck, give me more NOSE PLUGS if that means I get less Rosanna Arquette.

The score was middling at best, never great, sometimes just plain rubbish. It was the '80s, but that's not a real excuse. I also have some major linguistic issues with this film, apart from the dialogue stinking worse than the lower deck of a BC Ferry.

But first things first --

-- while David takes more medication and eats a snack, I'll go and purge myself of Rosanna Arquette by putting on "The Professional"/"Leon" (1994), my favourite Luc Besson film. David hasn't seen it, but it's one of the only films I like in this genre, and it has Jean Reno and an incredible performance from a 12-year old Natalie Portman. Alas, no Jean-Marc Barr, but at least it's Arquette-free.