Sunday, October 09, 2005

David thinks he looks like Uncle Fester (thanks to chemotherapy)

David think he looks like Uncle Fester (thanks to chemotherapy)
[photo by gail on the web]

You be the judge.

David's hair is growing out very thinly on his head, and in patches on his chin. I'd shave his head, but it's more like peach fuzz, not very noticeable.

I took this pic a couple of weeks ago. It's a tad stark, but we both like this photo. I see this look on his face often enough to call it a portrait.

Day 9 of David's 4th hospital stay, and his immune system isn't strong enough for him to come home yet. They've been given him white blood cell boosters, which help, but the counts are still low. He can't wait to come home.