Thursday, November 13, 2003

One Delivery Down, One to Go

Stong's sent along a bunch of flowers with their first delivery! Lovely! Now let's see how Green Earth Organics goes...

I bought loads of Lindt chocolate last night to take to the office tomorrow. After finally handing in that Psychology paper I went and bought a card for Kevin's family and enough chocolate to sink a small ship. I'll give the mechanic in Sechelt first pick of whatever box he wants -- truffles, assortment, etc., then leave a box for the rest at the shop. They worked on my car for two weeks and charged me nothing... that's the kind of service you don't forget! The rest will go to the office to put everyone in a good mood. Well, this isn't a moody bunch, bar one... the chocolates are an investment in what will hopefully be a productive but incident-free day. Fingers crossed.

Finally got in touch with my friend Toni-lee in Canberra, Australia, this afternoon... I'd arranged to chat with her this weekend when I'm not in the middle of a report. Crazy how work always manages to get in the way of stuff you'd really rather do!

Sheesh, back to it...