Saturday, January 03, 2004

I'm in Love

... with Mac! No, not a guy, a computer. (How pathetic is that??)

I've always liked Mac, but I only really use it at SFU in the library. Kevin dropped off this eMac before Christmas so I could edit the retirement movie using iMovie, and to try using VPN on it to work on our office files. I didn't have much opportunity to use it over Christmas, but when I upgraded the OS on my PC last week I spent more time on it, which luckily for me didn't have to be hooked up to my home network for ADSL as somebody near my apartment (on my floor, even?) has an unprotected wireless network. Now that my PC is back and humming along beautifully (it's like having a whole new computer, even though I didn't boost the processor or RAM or anything), it seems to realize there is an interloper in the other room... it's like I had a Mac affair, and the PC is back from a holiday, feeling insanely jealous...

But, really, the Mac is a beautiful machine -- uncomplicated, unlike the PC, who insists on rather a lot of attention and was acting up so much it's no wonder I sent it away (be off with you, PC! and don't come back until you're in a better mood!).