Waymart, Pennsylvania
This photo made me think of Krisanne.
I took this photo at the Waymart Wings model airplane show and fly-in on September 10, where David brought the Curtiss Jenny biplane he designed himself, and hung out with his cronies. A good day all 'round.
David wasn't feeling up to going out this past weekend, but at least we had good weather when we've been able to enjoy it. I think this is the first time ever the car has sat in the garage both Saturday and Sunday. If you're a longtime reader of this site, you'll know we like to go places as much as possible.
We had some friends visit over the weekend, so it was more pleasant than it might've been otherwise. Visitors on Saturday and Sunday, with food! Chocolate chip cookies, lasagna, coffee, cupcakes, and a tin of chocolate chip cookies arriving by mail on Saturday! Now, all I have to do is help David to get over his nausea so he can eat it.