Tuesday, August 30, 2005

We Miss You Gail

I'm VERKLEMPT -- how could I not be after seeing this???

Last Saturday the people in Vandigicam threw a farewell party for Laura, the lady who started the group back in March. She's seen Vandigicam grow and flourish, and in a day or so she'll be returning to her home in Atlanta -- earlier than planned. I really wished I could've been there to take part in the surprise bash, but it looks like they moved the mountain partway to Mohammed because Mohammed couldn't get to the mountain.

I went to New York over the weekend and phoned them briefly when I was sitting on a Central Park bench Saturday evening. I think they knew how much I wanted to be there, and that there was no reason more compelling than why I could not.

Long live photography!

Did I mention I was verklempt? What a stellar bunch of people! *sniff*