Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Lactose intolerance
Uploaded by selva.
I was completely preoccupied with stuff yesterday, and did a lot of writing outwith the internet. I even wrote a long piece of snail mail! Can't remember the last handwritten letter I've sent that was more than a page. I used to write 10-page letters to pen pals when I was wee, but it's been a long time since I was wee (literally and figuratively).

Thanks to an American guy in Java, Indonesia who linked to me in FlickrSocial, I had a bunch more people visit my photo sets. One of them is Selva, an artist in Seattle. I was browsing through her stuff and came upon this photo. (Click on the pic for the description.) A bit of Canadiana. She added this pic to my Canadiana group, which is growing little by little:

Canadiana, on Flickr