Saturday, March 12, 2005

St. Patrick's Day Parade

We caught the last quarter of the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Scranton today, an annual institution since 1962. As I'd mentioned in the previous post, it's the fourth-largest St. Patty's Day Parade in the country... who knew? Scranton only has about 80,000 people, and by the looks of things most of them were either in this parade or watching it.

We had a full day (we went flying, too), so we're going to watch the "28 Up" DVD that arrived today from Netflix and take it easy. I've got some photos to colour-correct, so the set isn't complete yet, but here's the link to the concert and parade photos thus far. We'll write about the day and post the flying photos later.

St. Patrick's Day weekend - Friday night concert and Saturday's parade