Saturday, March 19, 2005

I Miss Vancouver

This is the view from the balcony of my apartment in Vancouver, which I left more than six weeks ago. I took this photo on February 22 last year. It sounds like this February's weather was even better than last year, with temperatures up past 20C!

I miss the ocean, and the freedom of walking out of my apartment to the beach, up to English Bay, into Stanley Park. I could get brunch, go to the bank, get groceries, pick up packages at the post office, and get my driver's license renewed, all within easy walking distance. I didn't need a car, so mine usually sat in my parking spot until it was time to see the kids. Needless to say, I miss the kids, too.

The best way for me not to think of these things is to engage in activities I couldn't do in Vancouver, so now I have the burning desire to see museums, of which there is a dearth in Vancouver. Off we go to the Philadelphia Museum of Art!